Hibernation- winter on a pasture-based farm

For the past 36 hours, we’re happy to be back on the upswing of daylight.  Yesterday we gained about 5 seconds of daylight and that number will only increase daily from here.

We are big believers in following nature’s patterns.

In the summer, the farm is bustling, spreading it’s wings and encompassing large areas of ground.
In the winter, the farm follows the weather and maintains a holding pattern until the onset of thaw in April.

During winter everything is smaller and slower. The turkeys have all adorned Thanksgiving tables. Farmers markets are done for the year. It is December and January when we have the smallest number of livestock of any given time of the year. When nature is abundant (growing season) we expand. When nature is dormant (winter) we retract.

The pigs, without soft ground to root in, enjoy extravagant naps in deep-bedded hay. If you ever want to learn some napping tips, talk to a pig.

The sheep and cows, eating pasture through the snow, are also enjoying round bales of hay. They spend a lot of time lounging on spilled hay, chewing cud, taking refuge from any and all wind.

The farmers? It’s time to get a few house projects done. House projects that were tabled last April and not even thought of until t

his past week.

This is a time of year to conserve energy, rest, chew the cud and hibernate, kind of.

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