Our broilers are raised on pasture, moving them to a new plot of fresh grass every day. They are fed a strict non-GMO locally-milled feed, never given antibiotics or hormones and allowed to eat bugs and various flora to their liking.

What makes our pastured-broiler chicken different from a commercial broiler you might buy at the supermarket?


These birds taste like the chicken your grandparents would have eaten. The fresh pasture adds a delicious breadth of beta-carotene and other nutrients as well as omega-3’s. We believe that not only does the product taste far better than a CAFO-raised broiler, but since it is raised in a way that is humane and respectful , you can enjoy it more thoroughly by understanding what went in to producing it.

Animal Welfare

In a conventional broiler operation, it is a common practice to de-beak the birds right after hatching. This is done because the birds are raised in such close proximity that they would peck at each other and the de-beaking prevents injury and cannibalism. The typical broiler house in an indoor operation with white chickens as far as the eye can see, without an ounce of grass in sight.

Voting with Your Dollar

What is the best way to enact a change to the currently broken agricultural system? To de-fund it and to support a system that you believe provides a path to a regenerative and sustainable future. You can vote for local, humane and nutritious options by supporting them with your food dollar. Together, beyond-organic farmers and their customers can start taking steps in the right direction and begin to pave the road toward sustainability.