Welcome to ForageScape


It is the first day of August 2016 and we have our website online!

We are a small diversified farm located south of Mille Lacs lake in central Minnesota. We believe that farms are like forests in that they transition in a successive manner. A prairie no more becomes a forest overnight than a farm becomes sustainable overnight.

In a forest, first saplings of pioneer species sprout up, grow to maturity and produce a canopy. Then over time the archetypal large and long-lived species move in and become an old growth forest.

Similarly, we are in our first year here on the farm and so are in a young sapling stage ourselves. What does that mean in terms of a farm? Although we plan to work towards a largely herbivore-based silvopasture system in the future, we must start with something tangible for a farm in its first year: Poultry, pigs and fresh produce. All three of these elements can turn around quickly and begin to start the growth process. Baby chicks hatch in 21 days, baby pigs birth in 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days.

Please check back frequently as we begin to update our farm blog frequently with photos and videos of all of the animals on our farm!

Andre and Morgan

Aug. 1, 2016

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